Rock Paper Scissors

 "Coding is today's language of creativity" - Marie Clawe

Rock Paper Scissors

I recreated the classic, simple game using C++




#include <iostream>

#include <stdlib.h>

int main() {


 int computer = rand() % 3 + 1;

 int user = 0;

  std::cout << "😁 ROCK PAPER SCISSORS 😁\n\nChoose: \n  1) Rock\n  2) Paper\n  3) Scissors\nAnswer: \n";

 std::cin >> user;

  std::cout << "Rock...\nPaper...\nScissors...\nShoot!\n";

 if ((computer == 1 && user == 2) ||

     (computer == 3 && user == 1) ||

     (computer == 2 && user == 3))


   std::cout << "🎉 You win! 🎉\n";


else if ((computer == 1 && user == 1) ||

          (computer == 2 && user == 2) ||

          (computer == 3 && user == 3))


   std::cout << "🎀 It's a tie! 🎀\n";


 else {

   std::cout << "😭 You lose! 😭\n";

