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The journey starts
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“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all” - Hellen Keller
It's for you! Open it!
a Letter to
The Ever Expanding Universe
Very Far Away (or not)
Somewhere on this Pale Blue Dot
Hello fellow human,
Welcome to my website, a unique corner of the Internet, a jungle of random, but cool, things! This jungle isn't just any jungle! While you're trekking through the trees, you may find yourself tripping over a rather detailed drawing of a little-known place called Squirrel Mania! Bend down to take a closer look and you'll discover its fascinating history.
A few steps left and SWISH! Did you see it?! A glimpse of... a Unity space shooter game? Hmmm... I wonder what that is... Continue furthur down the pathway and you'll come upon a little document titled-no spoilers! You'll have to find what that was out for yourself...
But wait! Before you set out on your journey, take a jug of water and a packet of biscuits. 🚰 🍪 You'll need it. Legend says there are ancient treasures hidden deep within these treetops. Journey well and tread carefully!
Enjoy the adventure,
-Jungle Master
P.S. Do you know what P.S. stands for? Postscript. If you didn't know, congrats: you just learned something new! Collect your achievement; you have many more to earn!
★☆★ New Achievement Earned! You just learned something! ★☆★
Not sure where to go? Look at the sidebar and explore!
“Do anything, but let it produce joy” - Walt Whitman